Red and Green
Buddy can you spare a dime
The Deserter
Granny was a suffragette
Joe Hill
La Espero
Ned Ludd
Only our rivers run free
Stornellid' esilio
We Are Going....
Sheet music
Brother can you spare a dime
Joe Hill
La Espero
Little bomb like you
Mira Marujina
Ned Ludd
No more cuts for us
Only our rivers run free
The International
Aberystwyth Street Choirs Festival 2013
Affordable housing conference 2013
Action AWE June 2013
Five choirs social March 2013
Five choirs social March 2010
Joe Hill Day, Sheffield 2016
Jubilee Party 2012
March for the Alternative 2011
May Day 2010
Sardinia April 2018
Valley of Jarama
Singing for our lives
We will fight on
We are going
We will rise
About us
Tributes to Sheila
Songs Sung
Photos of events
Action AWE April 2013
Remember Fukushima 2015
Remembering Fukushima 2015
Spring Fest 2013
Tolpuddle 2011
Archive photos
A record of the songs we have sung at various events
Spring Fest 2011 (March)
Factory, Levellers, Athenrye
Spring Fest 2012 (March)
We'll fight on, Oh profugi, Granny. Eton boat song
Unity Folk Club Dec 2012
Levellers, Joe Hill. We will rise, Brother, Athenrye, Nkosi
Siddings AGM 2012
We will rise, Joe Hill, Levellers, Nkosi
Choirs social 2013
Ozymandius, We will rise
Spring Fest 2013 (March)
We will rise, Ozymandius, Life on earth, Nkosi
Street Choirs festival concert Aberystwyth July 2013
Joe Hill, Eton boat song
Sidings 30th anniversary October 2013
Factory, Granny, Eton boat song, We will rise, Life on Earth, Nkosi
Choirs social 2014
We will rise, Arrows
Spring Fest April 2014
One song one dance, Arrows, Boundary Song, La Espera
Joe Hill Remembrance
Event, Sheffield March 2016
What We Want, Joe Hill
Buddy can you spare a dime
The Deserter
Granny was a suffragette
Joe Hill
La Espero
Ned Ludd
Only our rivers run free
Stornellid' esilio
We Are Going....
Sheet music
Brother can you spare a dime
Joe Hill
La Espero
Little bomb like you
Mira Marujina
Ned Ludd
No more cuts for us
Only our rivers run free
The International
Aberystwyth Street Choirs Festival 2013
Affordable housing conference 2013
Action AWE June 2013
Five choirs social March 2013
Five choirs social March 2010
Joe Hill Day, Sheffield 2016
Jubilee Party 2012
March for the Alternative 2011
May Day 2010
Sardinia April 2018
Valley of Jarama
Singing for our lives
We will fight on
We are going
We will rise
About us
Tributes to Sheila
Songs Sung
Photos of events
Action AWE April 2013
Remember Fukushima 2015
Remembering Fukushima 2015
Spring Fest 2013
Tolpuddle 2011
Archive photos