Red and Green Choir is a political choir that sings songs about social justice, peace and environmental issues. We sing in concerts, demos and actions. We rehearse Mondays in NW London. We are non-auditioned and welcome new members. Get in touch and come along!
Winter Term 2020 We are meeting on zoom due to Covid 19 restrictions Time: 6.00- 7.00pm Everyone Welcome! Please get in touch if you would like to join us!
SOME OF OUR UPCOMING PLANS! After and wonderful trip to Poland by one member of Red and Green, we contacted a Revolutionary Choir in Krakov, Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, with a view to visiting them. We had plans for April 2020 but Covid got in the way! We started to learn Di Shuve, the anthem of the Bund who were central to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and took part in the Warsaw Uprising. You can see Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny singing it here! Here another Yiddish revolutionary song and here they are singing Grandola, a favorite of Red and Green. We hope we can visit them as soon as possible.
Red and Green in Sardinia April 2018! We had a fabulous trip with our friends Bruna and Paola singing in the AMPI festival for the partisans and at The Gramsci Museum where we tearfully and proudly sang The International. Here is a bit about us from L'Union Sarda, the main Sardinian newspaper: Ad aprile a visitare la casa museo sono state alcune componenti del Red and Green Choir, coro politico di Londra, in Sardegna per partecipare alle iniziative per il 25 aprile organizzate a Cagliari. Il coro dell'ANPI, coordinato da Clara Murtas e Roberto Deiana, ha proposto canzoni della Resistenza e della libertà insieme al Red and Green Choir, che ha eseguito alcuni brani dal repertorio internazionale di protesta. Anche a giugno la visita di un coro, stavolta proveniente dalla Francia, la Chorale Entasis du Havre.
Red and Green Choir busking in Aberystwyth at the 2013 Street Music Festival. Watch us on YouTube singing at the concert at Aberystwyth- click here